Both of my parents have a stack of early rock'n'roll 7"s, which is a bit strange for me, because I don't really associate either of them with rock music. I guess it does help to explain why my Mum was so into John Farnham's career resurrection (the first one), and why Dad spent alot of his weekends listening to 3KZ (now Classic Hits Gold 104.3 FM radio) on a transistor radio and working away on our family car.

There's a family rumor that a photograph exists of me wearing one of Dad's old three-quarter overcoats a la Whispering Jack. It's also said I had a haircut that featured 'short sides and some length at the back'. It all sounds a bit far fetched to me though...
My mum designed that sticker
Really? That's pretty cool.
The sticker reminds me of primary school fetes and the bottoms of school bags
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