Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Amazing World Of Record Inserts

Mo Wax mailing list postcard circa late 90s.

I reckon the "OTHER" (where do you purchase your Mo Wax records?) box would get a bit of a work-out now.

click on through...space age snail mail

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Dominant Legs Move Limbs

Simple really, two kids from San Fran make sweet music together. Originally it was just Ryan William Lynch with Dominant Legs but somewhere along the way Hannah Hunt got connected. Not-so-simple is how they acquired a sound that is so steeped in Scotland's Postcard past. Fresh indie nostalgia? Old nu gaze? Lo-fi pastoral pop? Dream folk? Let's not start on all the Arthur Russell comparisons (move along now). And, let's not start on how they were born with names more suited to British children's book authors of the '40s. But look closer, Lynch's day job is as a member of last-big-thing Girls and has this sideline signed to Lefse Records (Neon Indian, Houses). Now the Legs are to deliver their first EP, Young At Love And Life (order here). The four-tracker sounds like a skim through the various stages of Aztec Camera, from the conscious indie 'Clawing Out At The Walls' (Aztecs circa 'Oblivious') to the lush alt.soul of 'About My Girls' (Aztecs circa Love). Check these Legs out: the 'Just Silly Ones' clip from a year ago and the 'About My Girls' cut from Young Love.

Dominant Legs - 'Just Silly Ones'

Dominant Legs - 'About My Girls'

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Adam Askew - Death Mix

die kosmischen kuriere
It's 2010, let's get a move on.

"Wir fahr'n fahr'n fahr'n auf der Autobahn..."

30+mins of Autobahn house.
Mixed LIVE with love.

'Death Mix' by Adam Askew (direct link)

The LESP - 'And We Still Do Not Get It' (Sacred Rhythm)
Subway - 'DBO' (Deadly People)
Allez-Allez - 'Hideous Racket' (Rvng Int'l)
Pepe Bradock - 'Intriguing Feathered Creature (AK-Pella)' (Atavisme)
Dan Curtin - 'Pregenesis' (Elypsia)
Larry Heard - 'Direct Drive (long mix)' (Track Mode)
Manuel Tur - 'Golden Complexion (live dub)' (Freerange)
Space Dimension Controller - 'Cosmo30 Travel Duration' (Royal Oak)
Schizophrenia - 'Schizophrenia' (NovaMute)
Urban Tribe - 'Program 5' (Mahogani Music)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Amazing World Of Record Inserts

I thought this was a little bit cruel at the time...

'Soul Skate' flyer found in some 2008 Mahogani Music releases. Sadly, none of the releases had a plane ticket to Detroit tucked inside. 5hrs of skating, free food, $1000 in prize money and KDJ DJing is pretty tempting though.

click on though...laces up!